Custom made communication is the philosophy on which we stand. The detailed care we put in each initiative is fundamental. In order to be fully appreciated any product must be grasped at once. Conveying the perfect message is paramount. With the use of strategic PR options, Pizzinini Scolari ComunicAzione is able to advise and guide clients implementing the “personal touch” they search. Exactly what we aimed to deliver, successfully, from the start.
With the help of efficient and qualified pro’s Pizzinini Scolari ComunicAzione specializes in High Brand Tourism, Events, Wellness/Beauty and Spas, Sport, Culture, Food/Wine, Design and Brands.
Our consolidated affiliations are with all of the major Italian medias. Lately due to the huge digital growth these affiliations now include the web and the blogs.
Being connected to some of the top PR-Agencies abroad empowers our expertise . This added value renders Pizzinini Scolari ComunicAzione more competitive. This way we are better equipped to satisfy our clients most diverse needs.
Our passion for contemporary art and design has developed the idea of a new container “PROGETTO NOMADE” which comes from our lifestyle. From north to south (Milan – Apulia, Palazzo dell’Elefante) our gipsy projects include design objects, interiors, art and events.
In the contest of communication and public relations we suggest the following activities:
/ Press Office
/ Press Conference
/ Press trips individual or small group
/ Media relations
/ Press Review
/ Special Actions with the press
/ Particular Projects and small events
/ Advertising Texts
/ Targeted Communication for the launch of new products
In the contest of PROGETTO NOMADE we do following activities::
/ Projects for design, art and interior decoration
Pizzinini Scolari
Via Giovanni Battista Morgagni, 30
20129 Milano
Antonio Lodovico Scolari
Mobile +39 338 4033738
Christian Pizzinini
Mobile +39 338 8543309